Awaken the Healing Power of God Within You

Enter a Sacred Flow State Using Breath, Movement & Music.

Religion has become a dividing force in our world – justifying endless wars, judgement and violence.

Humanity is divided and fractured.
How can we become united in Spirit?

The media constantly keeps us on edge with death tolls, protests and endless drama.

Constant stress causes our body’s systems and immunity to break down.

How do we break through the noise, and tap in to the true, joyful parts of our nature?

Movement Church is a dogma-free worship experience.

We embrace the traditions and paths of the entire human family.

native american sun
taoism 1
metatrons cube

Moving, Breathing, and going within gives us a chance to connect to something Greater than ourselves.

Movement is Life. It activates circulation of blood and oxygen renewing our vital organs including the brain.

Our daily practice is the key to the full realization of our truest potential.

We now know that gene expression can be modified and our DNA repaired simply by moving and breathing with clear intention.

Moving, Breathing, and going within gives us a chance to connect to something Greater than ourselves.

Movement is Life. It activates circulation of blood and oxygen renewing our vital organs including the brain.

Our daily practice is the key to the full realization of our truest potential.

We now know that gene expression can be modified and our DNA repaired simply by moving and breathing with clear intention.

There are no “forms” to follow.

Let your Breath and the Music guide you to a deeper place of feeling.

We embrace all Somatic
Movement Modalities



tai chi
Tai Chi

and Flow Arts


The Movement Church Experience

Where two or more are gathered with Sacred Intention, the Holy Power is multiplied.

Re:member Community

Movement Church is unifying a culturally diverse community where everyone is accepted. Come as you are. Join a vibrant community of open-hearted individuals. More →

Spiritual Vitality

Enhance your quality of life and become your best self. Spiritual vitality is our highest core value. Reach a joyful, calm state of peak performance. More →

Body Based
Trauma Resolution

Through Breath, Movement, and Music we can overcome the constant cycle of negative news and break out of the fear cycles of the world. More →

Reach Elevated States
Every Day

Changing your state of being every day through clear intention, Movement and Breathing leads to epigenetic activation and increased wellbeing. More →

Movement, Breath, and Music

Awaken something in you that you know to be True.

Movement, Breath, and Music
Awaken something in you that you know to be True.

Meet the team

JamiDeva 6087

Jami Deva

Creative Director

Jami – The Gatherer; Deva – Angelic Soul

Jami is a Vibrational Architect, designing potent life-changing experiences for tens of thousands worldwide in live workshops, breathwork empowerments and ecstatic dances since 2005.

He believes that Music, Breath and Movement are the keys to unlocking human potential and returning to the natural frequency of True Love. Jami has dedicated his life work to the expansion of consciousness.

From Jami:

“We are at a unique time in human history where the human race is waking up. We are realizing our true potential as vast and infinite spiritual beings. We are at this moment undergoing a transformative process of becoming who we truly are. Dissolving illusions of separateness and limiting belief structures, rebuilding our world view, our relationships, and our connection with Nature and the Divine.”

Do you feel called to support us?
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This is a tax-deductible donation to Movement Church, a not-for-profit 508(c)(1)(a) charitable organization.

Movement Church is a tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. Donations after transaction fees go toward event production costs, Movement Temple Building and support our Worldwide Ministry.

Our affiliates

Ecstatic Dance Community
Ido Portal
Noble Movement
Pathway of Power 1
Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi 1
Wim Hof Method 2
Cymbiotika 1
Dragon Herbs

Get Involved

Do you want to join our community, learn more about the ministry, or send us a question? Please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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